
Concrete Substrate Quality Management | Otesza System

Specialty Projects

Otesza specialty projects focus on
developing custom and advanced solutions to protect owner interests. For example, Otesza designed and executed the framework utilizing the Otesza system to undertake a specialized first of its kind concrete audit.

The depth of experience and knowledge within Otesza, provides a unique
concrete substrate and construction flooring project resource for clients.

For example, the
deficiency analysis component within the Otesza system was customized for a client and used within an educational institution, encompassing concrete slabs, conducting a quality audit on all resilient flooring and tile areas post installation, and providing both data and modelling within specific targeted areas to quantify concrete substrate placing and finishing inconsistencies not remediated prior to resilient flooring and tile installation.

Otesza Specialty Projects can utilize the Otesza system in other projects with unique requirements, for example, from exterior industrial concrete slabs to non commercial projects
identifying concrete substrate elevation tolerance inconsistencies and deficiencies.

Specialty projects may also include quality management for architectural precast and cement based terrazzo flooring projects.

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